Nick är med i Les Miserables den 3:e oktober!

Third Les Mis for 25th birthday celebrations

Alfie Boe, Nick Jonas and Matt Lucas will star in a one-off concert production of Les Misérables at the O2 on 3 October, the culmination of the musical’s 25th birthday celebrations.

The concert means not one but three productions of the French revolutionary musical will play in London this year. As well as the original production at the Queen’s theatre, the 25th anniversary touring production comes to the Barbican theatre – the show’s original home – between 14 September and 2 October.

The O2 concert will feature a cast of over 300 actors and musicians, including many former West End and Broadway cast members of Les Misérables. Leading British tenor Boe heads the cast as former convict Valjean, with Broadway star Norm Lewis as the police inspector who is hunting him, Javert. Little Britain and Shooting Stars comedian Lucas returns to the stage to play Thénardier, with Les Misérables legend Jenny Galloway as Madame Thénardier and international musical star Lea Salonga as Fantine.

Nick Jonas, a member of the pop band The Jonas Brothers, takes to the stage as Marius, a role he will be playing at the Queen’s theatre for three weeks from 21 June. Jonas is no stranger to the musical, having played Gavroche in the Broadway production for nine months.

Members of the original 1985 cast will join them on stage, along with the current stars of the West End and Barbican productions.

Based on Victor Hugo’s novel, Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg’s musical opened at the Barbican theatre on 8 October 1985. At the time, the outlook for the musical was bleak. David Burt, who played Enjolras in the original cast, told Official London Theatre: “We truly felt that it was going to open and it would be scuttled by the critics, and we felt that the knives were out.”

Though the critics did indeed give the show less than positive reviews, it struck a chord with the public, who arrived in droves. Since then Les Misérables has been seen by over 56 million people in 42 countries and in 21 languages.
Källa: Official London Theatre

Någon som kommer att åka till London och se han? :)

Nick börjar med musikal igen!

Nick började på Broadway och ska nu uppträdda på West End i London! Rätt stort! ♥

Såhär skrev han i myspace-bloggen:

Les Miserables!
I am so excited to announce that I will be performing in Les Miserables once again! The amazing Cameron Macintosh reached out to me last year about portraying the role of Marius in London at the West End. When I was ten years old I was in Les Miserables as Gavroche. On my closing night in 2003 I told my parents that I would come back to be Marius one day. It is truly a dream come true. More details will be coming soon. Can't wait to see the fans who make it out to the show! Love you all. Special thanks to Cameron for this amazing opportunity. "I Dreamed a Dream" and they seem to be coming true.
P.S. To all of you who figured out the riddle... Well done.

Nick Jonas - Impact your world!

Reklam för Bayer USB Contour Meter med Nick Jonas!

Bayer Diabetes Care has unveiled a new commercial with Nick Jonas to spread the word about the CONTOUR USB blood glucose meter. Nick, who has type 1 diabetes, uses the CONTOUR USB by plugging the meter directly into his computer for statistics, trends and a deeper understanding of his blood glucose levels. This new, advanced technology makes it that much easier for Nick to manage his diabetes, giving him a meter that fits his non-stop life. For additional information on the CONTOUR USB and Nick’s partnership with Bayer, visit

Nick räddade Miley's liv!

Miley Cyrus berättade till en tidning att Nick Jonas och hans kamp med diabetes räddade hennes liv. Det är därför hon kysste sitt halsband hon fick av Nick ( hans diabetes halsband ) i 7 Things musikvideo..

Miley berättar: "Jag var på turné med Jonas Brothers förra året och jag höll bli riktigt sjuk. En natt kom Nick förbi i mitt rum och jag mådde inte bra alls. Han föreslog att jag skulle testa mitt blodsocker som han alltid gör, eftersom han är diabetiker. Det gjorde jag, och mitt blodsocker var väldigt lågt, det var väldigt illa! Efter det gick jag till min läkare för kolla upp de. Jag fick diagnosen hypoglykemi, vilket innebär att mitt blodsocker alltid är riktigt lågt och jag kunde inte få det tillbaka upp"

"Jag blev mycket mer medveten om den mat jag åt, för vad jag åt innan var ganska dåligt för mig. När jag är på turné kan de bli dåligt. Jag satsar så mycket på scenen att jag blir riktigt tunn! Ibland känner jag mig överväldigad och att kan det bli för mycket. När jag hade tid att äta så åt jag väldigt fort vilket inte var bra för min kropp, speciellt inte med den maten jag åt. När det händer, gör jag ett försök att bara äta hälsosam mat och koppla av med övningen. Att seNick förvalta hans diabetes genom åren har varit en stor inspiration för mig. Det känns som, om Nick Jonas kan göra det, jag kan också! Jag måste hålla på och sätta på ett modigt ansikte ""Jag var på turné med Jonas Brothers förra året och jag höll bli riktigt sjuk. En natt kom Nick förbi i mitt rum och jag mådde inte bra alls. Han föreslog att jag skulle testa mitt blodsocker som han alltid gör, eftersom han är diabetiker. Det gjorde jag, och mitt blodsocker var väldigt lågt, det var väldigt illa! Efter det gick jag till min läkare för kolla upp de. Jag fick diagnosen hypoglykemi, vilket innebär att mitt blodsocker alltid är riktigt lågt och jag kunde inte få det tillbaka upp "

Nick Jonas - Biggest Fan

Antar att den ska vara med i L.A Baby ♥

SAYNOW från Nick!

Kolla! ♥

HAHAHAHA, jättekul är det! ♥

Hela avsnittet med Nick! ♥

Här kommer hela avsnittet med Nick! ♥

Nick med i Seventeen Magazine! ♥

“I will find someone who loves me for who I am. And there’s nothing that I need to change about myself to find that- I can be confident in that.”

17: People say you’re a heartbreaker but you’ve written a lot of songs about getting your heart broken. How do you deal with a breakup?
NJ: I shut down completely. It almost appears, to someone who doesn’t know me very well, that I’m spaced out or in a different world. I keep it all inside until someone forces it out of me. Songwriting is my way of opening up. But I’m never one to get down about a situation for too long. Something happens, and you go through a tough time. But it’s important to get right back up and keep going.

17: Do you stay friends with your exes?
NJ: I definitely remain friends. It’s difficult, but I think you just have to try your best to be a gentleman. And obviously there is going to be a moment of frustration between both parties. But the truth of the matter is, if I’ve even thought about being in a relationship with somebody, or of I’ve found myself attracted to a person romantically, then I can’t just cut it off.

17: Do you make the first move to get back in touch, or wait for your ex to do it?
NJ: I’m definitely the person to make the first effort, but I always give it some time. I know it’s tough sometimes for people to go right back to being friends. But I think it’s important: There’s no reason to have enemies in this life – it’s too short.
Källa: Seventeen Magazine via JonasWorld

Ny sneek peak på Nick Jonas!

Ny sneek peak på Nick Jonas - I Get That A Lot!

Nick & Honors Society skriver en sång tillsammans! ♥

Nick Jonas och Honors Society skriver en låt tillsammans! ♥

Nick om Glee, kärlek & en massa annat!

If you’re going out with Nick Jonas, prepare yourself for a romantic, relaxing evening — and one that’s as worry-free for him as it is for you! Yup, the youngest Jonas Brother will be taking you out for a fabulous meal, but he definitely won’t be cooking it!

“A good dinner is always nice,” the 17-year-old Artist of the Year winner told exclusively at our Young Hollywood Awards May 13 of his perfect date. “Somewhere where the music’s not too loud so you can talk. I probably wouldn’t play my own music, maybe [I’d play] Michael Buble instead.”

Unfortunately, the solo — and single - Jo Bro won’t be preparing any tasty treats. “I make a mean bowl of cereal, but that’s it,” he admitted.

Watch this video to find out what Nick thinks about love, relationships , his Broadway ambitions and why he’d love to appear on Glee!
Källa: Hollywood Life

Nick på framsidan av 15 & teens ♥

Nick med sin hund Elvis!

Bild: Stella Pictures

Joe tar med Demi & Kevin tar med Danielle på turné. Vem tar Nick med?
Nick - Jag tar förmodligen med min hund!

Nick pratar om tjejer ♥

Want to date to Nick Jonas? You better not be a liar!

“Honesty is the most important thing,” the youngest Jonas Brother, 17, told exclusively at our Young Hollywood Awards in LA May 14.

Our Artist of the Year winner seems pretty grounded, which might be why his ex, Miley Cyrus, is still texting him! It also explains why, although he’s single, his older brothers come to him for love advice!

“I think he gives it to us more than we give it to him!” 2o-year-old Joe, who has been dating Disney darling Demi Lovato since March. Oldest bro Kevin, 22, who has been married to Danielle Deleasa since Dec. 19, agreed.

The boys also talked about how close they are with Nick, saying his solo career is so much better “knowing I’ve got [Joe and Kevin's] support.” Awwww!
Källa: Hollywood Life

Nick tar emot sitt pris!

Bilder på när Nick Jonas tar emot priset som Artist of the Year! ♥

Bilder här!

Nick Jonas i "I get that a lot!"

Nick Jonas @ studion!

Nick Jonas peaks his head out over the fence as he arrives at a studio in Hollywood on Wednesday night (May 12).

The 17-year-old musician, sporting white Ray Ban Wayferers, will be honored tomorrow night at the 2010 Young Hollywood Awards as Artist of the Year. Woo Hoo!

Over the past weekend, Nick and big bro Joe played catch before the Texas Rangers and Kansas City Royals game.
Källa: JJ


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