Kevin & Danielle ute och går!

Igår (1 juni) var Kevin och Danielle ute och gick i Georgetown district of Washington, D.C.
Senare på kvällen mötte Kevin upp Nick och Joe för att gå på The Library of Congress’ Third Gershwin Prize for Popular Song"!
Källa: JJJ
They call it puppy-love! ♥
Danielle, Kevin & deras hund Riley ♥
Kevin Jonas is used to going everywhere with younger brothers Nick and Joe. But now, the 22-year-old singer has two, well, cuter sidekicks: his wife of six months, Danielle, and their Morkie, Riley.
Married in December, the pair picked up Riley just weeks after their Mexican honeymoon. “We were going to wait until the middle of January to get her,” Kevin tells PEOPLE. “But [Danielle] looked at me and I knew she couldn’t wait.”
Luckily for the couple, Riley is everything they hoped she’d be. “She’s a good dog,” Danielle says. “She’s quiet when she has to be quiet.” But not too quiet! “She likes to play a lot,” adds Kevin. “She loves when people are over. She’s like, ‘Oh, new friends!’ I think we might have to get another puppy for her.”
At the moment, Riley is content with her two human playmates — in fact, she even shares their bed. “She usually sleeps with us, between our two heads,” Kevin says. “But she’s starting to sleep at the foot of the bed, which is a little bit easier.” She also has her own “play zone” in the couple’s sprawling Texas home.
But life won’t be quite as lavish for Riley when she embarks on the Jonas Brothers’ North American tour, which kicks off in Dallas on July 27. Whereas Kevin used to share a tour bus with his mom, dad and three brothers (youngest JoBro Frankie is 9), this time he’ll likely bunk in a separate bus with Danielle and Riley. “We have our own little family now,” he says. “It’ll be a blast.”
For more on Kevin, Danielle and Riley, check out the June 7 issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands now.
Källa: People Pets &
Kanielle i People!
Här är intervjun med Danielle & Kevin Jonas i nya People! ♥
Kevin & Danielle i nya People!
Kevin & Danielle i nya People ♥
Kevin Jonas married his wife, Danielle, five months ago and talks to People this week about the newlywed life. Kevin says, “It’s great being with your best friend all the time.” And Danielle agrees, “It’s so nice being with the one you know you’re supposed to be with.” They’ve settled in a North Texas ranch house with floor-to-ceiling windows and a gourmet kitchen. Kevin says his younger brothers make fun of him in between taping their TV show. Kevin says, “Nick and Joe were like, ‘Going on your lunch break to pick up a prescription, that’s so married of you!’” Joe says that Kevin “loves telling people he’s married. He’ll always try to work it into the conversation.” While the Jonas Brothers prepare for a 46-city tour, Kevin and Danielle get ready to move their love nest to the tour bus.
Källa: The Frisky
When I was 17 - Deleted scene!
Kevin om sin stavhopps-karriär!
These days, Kevin Jonas makes a living as a pop star along with his superstar brothers, Joe and Nick. But there was a time when Kevin had to mow lawns for pocket money and, back in his after-school days, Kevin was a member of the track team. Yes, Kevin Jonas used to be a jock.
“When I was 17, my favorite sport was pole vaulting,” Kevin recalled in this week’s episode of MTV’s “When I Was 17,” which also features stories from Katharine McPhee and Bret Michaels. “Freshman year of high school, my history teacher actually asked me. He’s like, ‘You’re going to join the track team. You should be a pole vaulter.’ ”
After some skepticism about doing it and initially being confused by what was expected of him as a pole vaulter, Kevin quickly changed his mind. “I was like, ‘Oh, OK. Whatever.’ And then I realized what pole vaulting was,” he remembered. “And I was like, ‘Yes! Please!’ ”
In the episode, Kevin’s uncle Josh shared just how much Kevin enjoyed the sport. “He loved it — he loved the challenge, always tried to go higher, the extra next level.”
Now, Kevin spends his time at “Camp Rock,” but back in the day at high school in New Jersey, it was all about Camp Track. “Pole vaulting was my passion. I even went to a pole-vaulting camp, yeah,” he said. “People laughed at me for a while about that one, but it was cool.”
Källa: MTVNick's tack-tal!
Här kommer Nick's tack-tal på Young Hollywood Awards!
Kevin Jonas @ FRIDA
Kevin Jonas är med i det nya nummret av tjej-tidningen FRIDA! Nummret är en sex-special och som de flesta vet bär killarna en ring som tyder att de ska vänta med sex tills äktenskap. Eftersom Kevin har gift sig med Danielle får han nu ha sex. (Killarna har självt valt att bära ringarna)
"För att vara helt ärlig tycker jag inte att det var värt att vänta med sex. Efter att vi hade gjort det kände jag nästan: Vad det här allt?" - Kevin Jonas
Ska försöka ta en bild! :)
Kevin's strategi för A Minute T Win It!
Kevin Jonas "A Minute To Win It" klipp!
Kevin Jonas kämpar!
Bakom kulisserna!
Bakom kulisserna under inspelningen av A Minute To Win It med Kevin Jonas! ♥
Ny sneak peek på Kevin!
Kevin skakar på rumpan!
Will you tune in to watch Kevin shake his butt? We’re sure his wife Danielle Deleasa will!
This video is awesome! Kevin Jonas, 22, breaks it down on the floor as he competes on NBC’s game show, Minute To Win It. Not only do we get to see Kevin shake his cute caboose, but the sweetest part is that he’s doing it to raise money and awareness for his charity Change for the Children Foundation!
The proceeds that Kevin raises will go to the City of Hope of Los Angeles — a research, treatment and education center for cancer, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases.
Källa: Hollywood Life
Sneak Peek på Kevin Jonas! ♥
PS. 100 inlägg nu! ♥
Sneak Peek på Minute To Win It!
Kevin @ Minute To Win It
Bilder från "Minute To Win It" med Kevin! ♥
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K & D på shoppingtur!
Kevin och Danielle shoppar på Best Buy! ♥
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Sneak Peek på "Minute To Win It"
Kevin på studiebesök!
Bilder från när Kevin Jonas var på Manhattan Place Elementary School ♥ För att läsa mer om det, tryck här!
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